Students » Preparing for Graduation - Adults

Preparing for Graduation - Adults


Below is a list of resources for students needing to upgrade their skills in preparation for the adult graduation program.


Adult Basic Education

The Okanagan College provides many programs for basic education. They even provide one-on-one tutoring some of our communities. You can take a skills assessment online. Here is the link with the information:
OC Logo

English Upgrading

1. South Okanagan Immigrant and Community Services

SOICS provides interactive English language training for eligible immigrant adults through the Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) program. In-class language instruction incorporates topics such as housing, banking, transportation and community resources that are essential to function and participate in Canadian society.

CONTACT:  Contact – South Okanagan Immigrant and Community Services

WEBSITE:  English Language Training – South Okanagan Immigrant and Community Services 




2. Okanagan College - Dept. of English

OC Logo
Okanagan College offers English as a Second Language (ESL) education that is internationally recognized. Students develop skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing to Canadian Language Benchmarks Levels 8 and 9 and prepare to enter university-level courses.
You can learn in person and online through live lectures and group work with other students. For those in EAP Level 3, students can choose an “asynchronous” course. Asynchronous means you learn on your schedule, at the time that works best for you. There is no specific schedule each day when the class meets. Instead, you complete learning activities each week at a time that suits you.

CONTACT:    Phone:  250-492-4305 (Penticton)




3. OLBOSA - English Assessment



This site provides a free online assessment of your English skills with a focus being the workplace.


THIS IS NOT for CREDIT - only is for your own benefit!.





Math - Updating Your Skills

Khan Academy is free! YouLearn has created some course paths inside of Khan Academy for you to review your skills when preparing for a math course. Make sure you choose the right path below.
Basic Math Review for WPM11:
Course Code: X8Y4X8
Preparing for Pre-Calc 11/12 or Foundations of Math 11:
Course Code: FEQ6BUF6