Students » Scholarships/Bursaries



If you are graduating this year, you may apply for a number of scholarships and bursaries. Some are given out by YouLearn and others are available through various organizations.  All of the YouLearn scholarships and bursaries are chosen from our Youlearn graduates by our awards committee. Students do not need to apply for these. One exception is the District/Authority Scholarship - bottom of page. 


First check this website for scholarship/bursary listings through this government website:BC Scholarships

Next, click on the button below to view other scholarship and bursaries that are available: 

List of Scholarships and Bursaries



Finally, use the information provided below to further your search:


Researching other opportunities

The list that we have compiled is not an exhaustive list. There are many more available. You must be resourceful. Here are some suggestions of things you can do: 


  1. Ask your parents to check with their workplace to see if their business or union (if they have one) offers scholarships or bursaries for family members. 
  2. Check with your local bank or Credit Union to see what their Institution offers locally and provincially. 
  3. Always check the Post-Secondary Institute that you are planning to attend.  They often have their own entrance awards that they give out.  
  4. Check different websites at big box storeslocal businesses, athletic organizations, clubs, etc. for scholarships/bursaries applications. 
  5. If you are of a specific ethnic or diverse group, you can do a general internet search (ex. Scholarships for Portuguese Canadian students). 
  6. If you are a Band member, please check with your Education Coordinator from your Band and they should be able to help you.

For financial aid information, please visit: 


Student Aid




Usually:  $1250
Availability: Graduates of Youlearn for the current school year.   You must complete and submit an application package.


Please email [email protected] more information. You must make a presentation in May in your graduating year for this award.  Please click on the button below to find out more details about the requirements for this scholarship.

